USA Located in the continent of North America, United States of America covers 9,161,966 square kilometers of land and 664,709 square kilometers of water, making it the 3rd largest nation in the world with a total area of 9,826,675 square kilometers.
Washington DC.
Major Cities/ Counties:
New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Philadelphia, Phoenix, San Antonio, San Diego, Dallas, San Jose
Main Language:
Weather varies widely across the continental USA, as well as in Alaska and Hawaii. In general terms, summers are hot and humid in the plains and southern states, while the southwest is very hot and quite dry. The summers are hot and humid, with lots of thunderstorms. This is still a humid, continental climate, but with much more severe rainfall and storms in the winter. The Southeast has mild and relatively warm winters, and wet and hot summers, creating large numbers of thunderstorms
GDP: $ 21.5 Trillion (2019)
GDP Rank: 1st (Nominal; 2019 2nd (PPP; 2018)
U.S. GDP growth will slow to 2.3 percent in 2019 from 3 percent in 2018. It will be 2 percent in 2020, and 1.8 percent in 2021. That’s according to the most recent forecast released at the Federal Open Market Committee meeting on December 19, 2018. (Jan 1, 2019)
US dollar (USD)
The United States is a federal republic in which the President, Congress and federal courts share powers reserved to the national government, according to its Constitution. The federal government shares sovereignty with the state governments. The United States government is comprised of three branches; the legislative branch, executive branch, and the judicial branch. Each branch works together to set the laws of the U.S. The congress, senate, and House of Representatives are under the legislative branch, which makes the laws.
Distance from Ethiopia:
The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between Ethiopia and United States is13,158 km= 8,176 miles. If you travel with an airplane (which has average speed of 560 miles) from Ethiopia to United States, It takes 14.6 hours to arrive.
32.67 million (2018)